Monday, January 4, 2010

Willow Herb Does Natural Herbs Like White Willow Bark, Devil's Claw, Feverfew, Boswellia, Inhibit Healing Like NSAIDS?

Does natural herbs like white willow bark, devil's claw, feverfew, boswellia, inhibit healing like NSAIDS? - willow herb

I know they are all anti-inflmmatories, but still unaware that inhibit aspirin, naproxen, etc., even healing.


Rhianna said...

There are no reliable clinical evidence that NSAIDs (aspirin and naproxen, inhibit, etc.) bone regeneration. It can be associated with an increased risk of long-term use. The use of NSAIDs appears to increase bone density, and does not increase the risk of fracture.

No, it is not a new concern, but recent studies that have been made, this theory has been discredited.

The study highlighted the concern that First NSAIDs inhibit healing of a small study in rats, which suggests that certain NSAIDs prevent two enzymes called COX-1 and COX-2, at work, can inhibit bone regeneration. The rats were, however, a different pattern of bone growth in humans.

Investigated the case for human medicines in animals, the results can not be described as preliminary research and development, should always be performed in humans. Conclusions on how a drug can be used in humans to be learned from animal studies.

It was the latest result of the study;

Boston, MA - Although some studies have suggested that nonsteROIDAL anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may delay or prevent the healing of bone fractures weigh, the latest study on this topic suggests that, in fact, the relationship between NSAIDs and non-union fractures reflects the experimental treatment of bone pain in non - union, but by NSAIDs are a cause of them [1]. The study, the largest to date, reported the largest number of non-consolidation "in the June 15, 2005 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism. "

It is not quite certain NSAIDs, take the short term.

SkepDoc 2.0 said...

They have in another part of the mythology alty. Inflammation is the body's response to the initial injury, but prolonged inflammation actually inhibits healing. They understood a very superficial knowledge of the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway and the role of prostaglandins, etc. It is incredibly complex and not completely.

These herbs have anti-inflammatory drugs, by the same biochemical pathways NSAIDs

It has been proven that nothing prolotherapy. This was never proven in double blind conditions, as compared to standard therapy.

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